Monday, April 2, 2018

The LemonFast & Fresh Organic Foods

Image result for Veggies
Only eat plant foods that are centered around fresh vegetables, fruit, whole grains, beans, nuts, legumes, and all organically grown.
My photo

By Michael Webster
Excerpted from “The LemonFast” by Michael Webster and Michael J. Lavery.

Whenever possible one should eat fresh organic foods or if not possible take a whole food supplement, rather than a manufactured mineral or vitamin supplement. Plant derived vitamins and minerals are 98 percent absorbable whereas the others absorption rates are less or unknown. You can take all the vitamins in the world, but if you aren't taking minerals along with them, they won't do you much good.

There can be major differences between whole food and vitamin and mineral supplements. Rich and powerful pharmaceutical companies that also provide most all medical drugs and chemicals manufacture vitamin and mineral supplements. Many of these supplements are reported to be synthesized, by using coal tar, petroleum, discarded animal by-products, powdered rocks and shells. Vitamin B-12 comes from ground cattle organs, which can be loaded with steroids, antibiotics, herbicides, and pesticides. Perhaps the most sickening is their use of fecal matter in the form of activated sewage sludge. It is inexpensive to obtain and is loaded with B-12. It is always best however in our opinion to provide the human body with as much variety as possible of whole, uncooked natural organic foods; they retain their living enzymes and their full spectrum of bio-available vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.

Only eat plant foods that are centered around fresh vegetables, fruit, whole grains, beans, nuts, legumes, and all organically grown. Remember all claimed organically grown foods might not be. You really must know first about the soil the plants are being grown in. Is there now or has there ever been herbicides applied to the soil? Now or in the past has there been pesticides applied to the plants? DDT for an example once in the human system it can take weeks or even months before there are no detectable residue and can take years to be completely removed from some soils. And remember just a couple of decades ago chemical companies like Monsanto were claiming DDT was good for our health. While experts say toxic pollution levels declined dramatically in the Great Lakes since the 1970s, the decline in persistent chemical pollution leveled off in the 1980s. In some cases toxic chemical levels in the Great Lakes have recently risen, as atmospheric deposits of PCBs, DDT and other banned chemicals in the US are blown thousands of miles by winds from countries that still use these compounds. As a result, fresh samples of DDT can be found today in the tissues of Great Lakes fish, even though DDT was banned for use in the US in the early 1970s.

These chemical deposits are not limited to the Great Lakes. EPA reported that fish advisories against eating PCB contaminated fish rose 41% across the US from 1995 to 1996. Consumers need to educate themselves and make informed decisions. If you must eat fish you can reduce your exposure to PCBs in fish by the way you cook the fish and should avoid altogether certain types of fish for women of reproductive age if how and where the fish came from. It is believed that 95% of human exposure to toxic chemicals comes through the diet, and fish is a major route of exposure since they more readily bioaccumulate toxic compounds. Still, these fish advisories are too often ignored by consumers or not enforced by local health agencies.

The only sure and safe way to control the soil, plants and the water is to grow a garden yourself and you will know for sure what you allowed into the soil and what you put into the soil. Knowledge of what type of fertilizers and/or pesticides you used would help you understand what is in the plants. In most people's back yards or a shared community victory garden you can learn how to grow truly organically. If you believe you just are not ready to give up meat than eat only lean meats from organically fed animals, along with other sources of organic protein. You may want to consider, if you have access to some land the raising of your own Buffalo or Ostrich or Rabbit or a combination for Varity. These meats are very testy and have 50% to 80% less fat than commercial beef or pork, depending on what you feed them. Again you may have to grow your own animal feed to control what the animal is eating and you will know you used no hormones, fast grow chemicals or harmful medications that can be passed on to you and yours.

You should always exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday. That’s about 2 miles of walking per day or less jogging or swimming. Drink clean, pure fresh water daily, with a minimum intake of at least 8 or more 8-ounce glasses of water. Drink one eight oz. glass of water with a tea spoon of pure organic raw apple cider vinegar and one tea spoon of pure organic maple syrup grade B, before each meal when you are eating. Take one table spoon of fresh Bee Pollen daily and moderate amounts of Sea Salt, keep the overall volume intake down, don't overeat and wallaaa... the pounds start falling off immediately and health is more likely to be restored.

By taking the LemonFastTM miracle drink you should reach your best body weight for you and you can maintain this perfect body weight. Following this program you may live longer and be healthier. Do it, do it now, do it for you, do it for those who love you, and do it for the love of life.

All of Mr. Webster's articles, books/CD's  can be read or downloaded & free at:
Note the LemonFast recipe is in “The LemonFast Book” The book is now out of print but can be read in its entirety free by clicking on or Googling: MICHAEL WEBSTER'S OTHER WRITINGS . The LemonFast or The RedRoad can also be obtained on CD Rom for $10.00, by sending a check or money order made out to author: Michael Webster 301 Forest Ave, Laguna Beach CA 92651. Be sure and give your return address.
Editors Note:

Michael Webster’s Syndicated Investigative Reports are read worldwide, in 100 or more U.S. outlets and in at least 136 countries and territories. He publishes articles in association with global news agencies and media information services with more than 350 news affiliates in 136 countries. Many of Mr. Webster’s articles are printed in six working languages: English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish. With ten more languages planed in the near future.
Mr. Webster is America's leading authority on Venture Capital/Equity Funding. He served as a trustee on some of the nation’s largest trade Union funds. A noted Author, Lecturer, Educator, Emergency Manager, Counter-Terrorist, War on Drugs and War on Terrorist Specialist, Business Consultant, Newspaper Publisher. Radio News caster. Labor Law generalist, Teamster Union Business Agent, General Organizer, Union Rank and File Member Grievances Representative, NLRB Union Representative, Union Contract Negotiator, Workers Compensation Appeals Board Hearing Representative. Mr. Webster represented management on that side of the table as the former Director of Federated of Nevada. Mr. Webster publishes on-line newspapers at  and  and does investigative reports for print, electronic and on-line News Agencies. All of Mr. Webster's articles, books/CD's can be read or downloaded free at: or MICHAEL WEBSTER'S OTHER WRITINGS

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