Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Downtown Specific Plan Update

The City of Laguna Beach will continue their efforts on the Downtown Specific Plan (DSP) was updated Wednesday, April 18, during the Planning Commission’s regularly scheduled meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The Planning Commission will review and discuss MIG’s recommended draft amendments to Section V: Land Use Districts of the existing DSP document. Topics covered include: the intent and purpose of land use districts, permitted land uses/required entitlements, permit processes, findings and special findings for certain uses, allowable changes in permitted use category per City Council resolution, and definitions.  A copy of the draft amendments are available to view on the City’s  For more information on the Downtown Specific Plan Update project please contact: WendyJung, Senior Planner, at (949) 497-0321 

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