Saturday, April 7, 2018

Did You Feel It?

Are You Earthquake Ready In Laguna Beach?
LAGUNA BEACH, CA — Did you feel it? A magnitude-5-point-3 earthquake gave the Southland a good jolt around midday Thursday, April 5, and local officials are saying the shaker should be a reminder for everyone to be earthquake-ready.
There haven't been any reports of injuries or damage from Thursday's quake which was centered off the coast Los Angeles in the Channel Islands.
No tsunami warning was given, however a stronger quake could have different results. Fire, police and sheriff's departments reminded residents should make sure they have escape plans and preparedness kits.
All cities remind that residents should have essentials onhand for a 72 hour period following any sort of disaster.

Make a Kit

  • Build a first aid and survival kit for your home, car and workplace. For details or to purchase a kit, visit Orange County Red Cross.
  • Learn how to use a fire extinguisher.

Make a Disaster Plan

  • Meet with your family, neighbors, coworkers, and schools to create a plan, share responsibilities and work together as a team
  • Pick two places to meet:
    1. outside your home, in case of a sudden emergency or
    2. outside your neighborhood, in case you can't return home
  • Have an "out-of-state contact" for family members to call. For a card, visit
  • Post emergency numbers and teach children how to call 9-1-1 for assistance
  • Conduct fire and emergency evacuation drills
  • Consider food and shelter for pets

If Disaster Strikes

  • Work with your CERT/CEPA/BERT teams
  • Check for injuries and give first-aid
  • Listen for news and information
  • Clean up spilled bleach, gasoline, medicine and other hazardous materials
  • Shut off any damaged utilities
Photo, USGS

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