Thursday, July 25, 2024

In-depth Mexican cartel violence

 Back by popular demand 

We have received documentation listing many of the horrors happening just south of the border and on the American side as well. It shows what Americans can be exposed to in Mexico. The information is meant as a warning for law enforcement and not intended for the eyes of citizens traveling to out of control Mexico. The photo's meant for law enforcement only show Mexican Drug cartels using terrorist beheading tactics and other gruesome tactics.

Mexican Drug cartels are ordering decapitations blind foldings and hooding victims before they shoot them. The Cartels are sending a chilling message to the Mexican President Felipe Calderon Administration by adopting methods of intimidation made notorious by Middle Eastern terrorist groups.

Dozens of people have been decapitated in Mexico so far this year, with heads stuck on fence posts, found in trash bags and heads being tossed onto a nightclub dance floor for all to see.

Dozens of U.S. citizens have been kidnapped, held hostage and killed by their captors in Mexico and many cases remain unsolved. Moreover, new cases of disappearances and kidnap-for-ransom continue to be reported yet no high level warning has been issued to protect Americans against this world class violence.

The question remains why have not the U.S. President George Bush ordered the State Dept. to issue the Highest level travel alert in regards to Mexico for the many dangers that are likely to confront Americans traveling in Mexico today. While the U.S. President meets with the leaders of both Canada and Mexico today in New Orleans the dangers for American travelers are increasing each day.

The President by not issuing the travel warning is putting American lives at risk. The United Nations, in a survey of security and criminalization of 38 countries, found that Mexico ranked number one in the category of "violent crime" in the use of firearms and excessive violence. Mexico achieved this even over less developed countries such as Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela. Until recently Colombia held the title as the number one county in kidnappings. Even the U.S. Military has been banned from entering Mexico because of the increasing violence. U.S. Military officials say they've discontinued issuing passes to soldiers who want to travel across the border to Mexico. "If it's not safe for U.S. Soldiers, than it is unsafe for other Americans." Said, John Lutes who was born in the border city of El Paso Texas and served in the military.

Americans Being Kidnapped, Held and killed in Mexico

SENSITIVE unclassified INTERNAL LAW ENFORCEMENT DOCUMENT indicates Mexico is now believed to be the No. 1 country in Latin America for kidnappings.

The government knows that a 1000 plus victims of violent kidnappings have taken place since 2005 of those 43 have died in captivity surpasses Colombia which had been the world leader in kidnappings and other violence attributed to drug traffickers and kidnappers. Who are often the same people who may have been crossing the border into US towns that are corridors for the Mexican drug cartels smuggling routes-esp. Tijuana /San Diego, Juarez/El Paso Laredo/McAllen, Nogales/Nogales, Palomus/Columbus and other U.S. Mexican border towns and cities.

The document which is offensive to many goes on to point out that 50 cross-border abductions accrued in the Texas Rio Grande Valley with unknown numbers of unreported incidents. These Abductions occurred in plain view in public places the victims were beaten, shoved in vehicles, and taken across the US-Mexico border where beatings continued while victims' friends/family are contacted to extort money.

Often after payment, victims are dumped and left to find their own way home or some just totally disappear.

The document warns US citizens or Mexican nationals residing in the US that they may become vulnerable to allied abductions by kidnapping teams operating out of Mexico or the US.

The more kidnappings that gangs conduct, the finer they hone their craft. Eventually, they graduate to higher value targets in higher economic communities.

The report says "Until a prominent US citizen is abducted, the problem will not receive much attention in the media or from the Public."

The sensitive internal law enforcement document with gruesome photo's show that an estimated 2000 to 3100 persons were victims of drug-related murders in Mexico in 2006 and authorities after all the numbers are in expect the year 2007 will surpass the numbers of 2006 fatalities based on the current ratio of killings, and yet the 2008 numbers they predict will be even higher. Approximately 100 of these victims were law enforcement personnel or other government officials. That number to is expected to be much higher this year.

It further points out that between Jan.-July 2007 in Mexico: 1200 + drug trafficking-related executions have occurred .. of which at least 70+ occurred in Sonora.most in Hermosillo, a former "truce city" among traffickers of the Sinaloa / Gulf DTO organizations.

An unknown — but significant — number of executions continues to occur in the states of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas as well as: Chihuahua, Baja California Norte, Tabasco, Guerrero, Michoacan, Veracruz, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Chiapas and Coahuila.

All Mexico States are experiencing numerous law enforcement deaths, as well as multiple kidnappings occurring regularly.

As of 7/20/07 there have been 91 abductions in Tijuana alone just since the first of the year. Seven occurred in two days in July.

Domestic officer safety issues and types of targeted violence were evaluated, incident material showed there were random kidnap for ransom with release, there were random kidnap for ransom and or information using torture with non-release involving body dumps or Acid/Lye "Pozole" elimination by putting dead bodies in sealed barrels filled with acid and lye. Others were kidnapped for information by torture, then killed, or kidnapping by "Tax Collectors"- due to failure to pay.

Kidnappings as warnings to government and other enemies were recorded with specific MESSAGES attached. And kidnappings of competitors for assassinations / Murders.

Structures of the kidnap gangs are former or current law enforcement officers working as a team member with selective gangs, former mid-level traffickers resorting to kidnappings due to declining narcotics access and high violence associated with Mexican drug cartel warfare.

Others are disenfranchised or independent teams acting randomly.

Still others are domestic or international gangs and others are teams using former military deserters trained in extractions, assassinations, and assaults or affiliated domestic US street gangs serving multiple Mexican drug cartel hired as independent contracted kidnap-assassination teams.

Evaluated methods and types of Violence to murder victims were: Physical beating, torture, release on street, or body dumped on street or lot torture involving beating, tooth removal, appendage removal, death by torture, strangulation, single shot to head and/or multiple shots to head and body.

Other tactics were same as above with head and/or face fully or partially wrapped with duct tape or other head wrappings or blind folds. Bodies often disposed of by the alternate "Pozole" method.

Many were beheaded with or without written messages on bodies or in vehicles or hung from bridges.

Many kidnapped victims were held in deplorable jail like metal cages in so called safe houses.

Many Mexican law enforcement officers have joined the cartels for money or in some cases they themselves if they did not cooperate with the cartels they would become victims of that horror.

Many caches of weapons of been located and confiscated by Mexican authorities most having come into the country through the U.S. or smuggled in from Russia and China.

Warning before reviewing photo's below many will find the text offensive and the photo's gruesome:








Senior Intelligence Research Specialist

DEA-San Diego Intelligence Group I


SD-LECC Team 7


A portion of the data presented here was derived from various U.S. And Mexican authorities and articles of interest publications that consist of selective Mexican news media translations as provided by Mr. James Woerner, San Diego County Sheriff's Office. Mr. Woerner at the time of this writing was assigned to the San Diego-Law Enforcement Coordination Center.

Other data may have been incorporated from other public source documentation, as well as, unclassified but highly sensitive government documents that contributed to this writing.

WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING before reviewing photo's below many will find the Photo's offensive and gruesome:

Mexican Drug cartels using terrorist beheading tactics.


1. Five severed heads tossed on to a dance floor in Mexico.

2. Two human bodies doused in gasoline and torched.

3. One man and women shot multiple times gangland style.

4. Man shot and stabbed multiple times.

5. Two males executed by being shot in the head and body several times.

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