Saturday, October 7, 2017

FEMA has the authority to order martial law and open up FEMA camps for dissident Americans.

FEMA has the authority to order martial law and open up FEMA camps for dissident Americans.
Reprinted by permission from the Border fire report.
Every tyrannical crackdown throughout the world has began with a false flag followed by mass incarceration. FEMA - The Secret Government, the most powerful federal agency in the UNITED STATES not only is it the most dangerously powerful entity in the United States and was not created by Congress but it was not even created under Constitutional law by the Congress. It was a product of a Presidential Executive Order. All other federal agencies are subject to congressional oversight.
 FEMA, which stands for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Originally conceived in the Richard Nixon Administration, it was continued by all following presidents since.
Some people have referred to it as the "secret government" of the United States. In fact FEMA will not let the media in to check it out much less the public. Any and all visitors that do manage to obtain entrance are escorted by FEMA officials. And shown only what FEMA wants them to see. Most FEMA employees have no idea what’s going on. Employees are kept in the dark and are unaware of the clandestine and covert operations. At FEMA installions the employees are not allowed to even see parts of the properties. There are signs that read things like “Restricted Area” Caution do not go past this point” signs of this nature are placed throughout the property. Highly guarded there are special metal security doors at many sensitive areas. Even though all FEMA employees have to pass a security background check.
No body at FEMA is elected by the people. FEMA even has a quasi-secret budget reported in the billions of dollars. Many investigators believe FEMA has more power than the President of the United States or the Congress. FEMA has the power to suspend laws, move entire populations, arrest and detain citizens without a warrant and hold them without trial, it can seize property, water, food supplies, transportation systems, fuel, and can suspend the U.S. Constitution.
Behind the Constantine razor wire at FEMA installations around the country as examples are the Highly guarded MT Weather and the Center for Domestic Preparedness in Aniston Alabama. Or suspicious facilities northeast of Tucson  Ariz or remote locations in Alaska. Many others are located on military basis around America. The question remains why? Why do they have the need to keep everybody out? Why do they look like well guarded concentration camps and federal prisons?
FEMA employees have internal infighting among themselves. A motto of FEMA is Cover your ass and stay in your lane. FEMA wants to run the show and have created some of the nations most complicated turf wars among other federal, state, county and local agencies have ever seen.

FEMA had one original concept when it was created, to assure the survivability of the United States government in the event of a nuclear attack on this nation. FEMA was created in a series of Executive Orders. A Presidential Executive Order, whether Constitutional or not, becomes law simply by its publication in the Federal Registry. Congress is by-passed completely. Executive Order Number 12148 created the Federal Emergency Management Agency to interface with the Department of Defense for civil defense planning and funding. An "emergency czar" was also appointed.   It was also provided with the task of being a federal coordinating body during times of disasters including urban riots, terrorist attacks,  refugee situations,  and emergency planning for nuclear, toxic, chemical and biological incidents, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, volcanoes, hurricanes, mudslides, debris flows and other manmade and natural disasters. FEMA has awesome powers, and has even been given control of the Military, State police, State Defense Forces, and the National Guard. Along with wild land fires, and even home heating emergencies.
FEMA's enormous powers can be triggered easily. In any form of domestic or foreign problem, perceived and not always actual, emergency powers can be enacted. The President of the United States now has broader powers to declare martial law, which activates FEMA's extraordinary powers. Martial law can be declared during time of increased tension overseas, economic problems within the United States, such as a depression, civil unrest, such as demonstrations or scenes like the Los Angeles riots, and in a drug crisis. These Presidential powers have increased with NDAA law that is meant to protect Americans from terrorist.
That increases the power to suspend citizens do process, the rights guaranteed under the Constitution and to seize property of those suspected of being associated in anyway with suspected terrorist or drug dealers. Gives FEMA dominion over individuals who participate in a public protest or demonstration. Under emergency plans already in existence, the power exists to suspend the Constitution and turn over the reigns of government to FEMA and appointing military commanders to run state and local governments. FEMA has the right now to order the detention of anyone whom the government alleges there is reasonable ground to believe...will engage in, or probably conspire with others to engage in acts of terrorism, espionage, sabotage or drug dealing. The plan also authorizes the establishment of concentration camps for detaining the accused, with no trial.

REX 84 was so highly guarded that special metal security doors were placed on the fifth floor of the FEMA building in Washington, D.C. Even long-standing employees of the Civil Defense of the Federal Executive Department possessing the highest possible security clearances were not being allowed through the newly installed metal security doors. Only personnel wearing a special red Christian cross or crucifix lapel pin were allowed into the premises. Which at the time U.S. Attorney General William French Smith opposed vehemently. The plan called for the suspension of the Constitution, turning control of the government over to FEMA, appointment of military commanders to run state and local governments and the declaration of Martial Law. The Presidential Executive Orders to support such a plan were already in place. The plan also advocated the rounding up and transfer to "assembly centers or relocation camps" of millions of African Americans, Mexicans and others in the event of massive rioting or disorder, not unlike the rounding up of the Jews in Nazi Germany in the 1930s.
FEMA during “Desert Storm” and the invasion of Iraq, FEMA began to draft new legislation to increase its already formidable powers. One of the elements incorporated into the plan was to set up operations within any state or locality without the prior permission of local or state authorities. Such prior permission has always been required in the past. Much of the mechanism being set into place was in anticipation of the economic collapse of the Western World. The war with Iraq may have been conceived as a ploy to boost the bankrupt economy, but it only pushed the West into deeper recession.
The Miami Herald published reports on FEMA's new goals. The goal was to suspend the Constitution in the event of a national crisis, such as nuclear war, violent and widespread internal dissent, or national opposition to a U.S. military invasion abroad. National Security Directive Number 52 refers to the "Use of National Guard Troops to Quell Disturbances."
The crux of the problem is that FEMA has the power to turn the United States into a police state in time of a real crisis or a manufactured crisis. The crisis, as the government now sees it, is civil unrest. For generations, the government was concerned with nuclear war, but the violent and disruptive demonstrations that surrounded the Vietnam War era prompted President Nixon to change the direction of emergency powers from war time to times of domestic unrest. Diana Raynolds, program director of the Edward R. Murrow Center, summed up the dangers of FEMA today and the public reaction to Martial Law in a drug crisis: "It was James Madison's worst nightmare that a righteous faction would someday be strong enough to sweep away the Constitutional restraints designed by the framers to prevent the tyranny of centralized power, excessive privilege, an arbitrary governmental authority over the individual. These restraints, the balancing and checking of powers among branches and layers of government, and the civil guarantees, would be the first casualties in a drug-induced national security state with Reagan's Civil Emergency Preparedness unleashed. Nevertheless, there would be those who would welcome NSC (National Security Council) into the drug fray, believing that increasing state police powers to emergency levels is the only way left to fight American's enemy within. In the short run, a national security state would probably be a relief to those whose personal security and quality of life has been diminished by drugs or drug related crime. And, as the general public watches the progression of institutional chaos and social decay, they too may be willing to pay the ultimate price, one drug free America for over 200 years of democracy."
The first targets in any FEMA emergency would be Hispanics and Blacks, the FEMA orders call for them to be rounded up and detained. Tax protesters, demonstrators against government military intervention outside U.S. borders, and people who maintain weapons in their homes are also targets. Operation Trojan Horse is a program designed to learn the identity of potential opponents to martial law. The program lures potential protesters into public forums, conducted by a "hero" of the people who advocates survival training. The list of names gathered at such meetings and rallies are computerized and then targeted in case of an emergency.
The scenarios established to trigger FEMA into action are generally found in the society today, economic collapse, civil unrest, drug problems, terrorist attacks, and protests against American intervention in a foreign country. All these premises exist, it could only be a matter of time in which one of these triggers the entire emergency necessary to bring FEMA into action, and then it may be too late, because under the FEMA plan, there is no contingency by which Constitutional power is restored.

From a practical perspective, it is state, local, and private organizations and resources that are on the scene and available to immediately assist in emergencies. State and local governments employ 1.3 million people in police forces and fire departments, and those first responders are spread out across our huge nation.72 State governors have wideranging responsibilities during disasters, and they typically have access to special powers, such as being able to order evacuations. As for the private sector, the 9/11 Commission report noted that “because 85 percent of our nation’s critical infrastructure is controlled not by governments but by the private sector, private-sector civilians are likely to be the first responders in any future catastrophes.”73
Nonetheless, the federal government’s role in disasters has been growing steadily in recent decades. This is a troubling development. Excessive federal intervention threatens to undermine and crowd out more efficient state, local, and private disaster response efforts. Also, federal interventions usually come with top-down rules that stifle innovation and reduce the efficiency of state and local government services.  

Submitted By
General Michael (Mick) Webster
United States Civil Defense Assoc.(
Sources: FEMA, State and city employees,
Major contributor FreeAmerica and Harry V. Martin, 
·         FEMA Camps Edward L Winston

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