Thursday, August 20, 2015

El Paso Journal readers which can include the one to two million or so Juarez residents just across the Rio Grande River. Soon will have the El Paso Journal bilingual print paper available to them. The new hard copy issue will be distributed throughout El Paso/Juarez Metroplex and surrounding areas.

The river marks the border between the Twin cities, the two countries and three states, Texas, New Mexico and Chihuahua Mexico. Which makes it the largest international border city in the US.

The El Paso Journal Newspaper was founded in the early 1970's by William C. McGaw. The El Paso Journal, was a hard hitting feisty weekly newspaper whose motto was, "All the news that fits, we print." For approximately 10 years Bill produced, edited and reported the news in and around El Paso. The El Paso Journal in those days went up against two major dailies the El Paso Times And the El Paso Herald Post.

The El Paso Journal captured the flavor of the multi-cultural community and the El Paso Texas politics. It was the real watch dog in the city that exposed corruption. It reflected the emotions that most El Pasoans felt which the two bigger dailies were hesitant to print or chose not to, to avoid inflaming there larger advertising base.

To help turn things around for the El Paso Journal Mr. McGaw sold his interest of the newspaper to investors Judge Woodrow Bean Sr. Joe Morgan ESQ., investigative reporter Michael Webster, local CPA John Nelson and other silent local investors. Mr. Webster as majority stock holder was voted chairman of the board and the new publisher of the El Paso Journal.
Today the El Paso Journal is an online daily newspaper and soon to be a weekly print hard copy and the hard copy will be available to all El Paso & Juarez residents. The new El Paso Journal intends to continue that legacy with hard hitting articles and investigative reports. And will again be a key player in the business, cultural and political life of El Paso/Juarez Metroplex. It is already becoming a local resource treasured by its community of readers.

Copies of the old print El Paso Journal Newspapers can be viewed at the El Paso Public Library. They are bond & kept in the Heritage room.

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