- By Michael Webster: Syndicated Investigative Reporter
About Violent Gangs
Prison Gangs in the United States
Prison gangs are criminal organizations that originated within the penal system and they have continued to operate within correctional facilities throughout the United States (U.S.). Prison gangs are also self-perpetuating criminal entities that can continue their operations outside the confines of the penal system. Typically, a prison gang consists of a select group on inmates who have an organized hierarchy and who are governed by an established code of conduct. Prison gangs vary in both organization and composition, from highly structured gangs such as the Aryan Brotherhood and Nuestra Familia to loosely structured associations such as the Mexican Mafia (La Eme). Prison gangs generally have fewer members than street gangs and OMGs and are structured along racial or ethnic lines. Nationally, prison gangs pose a threat because of their role in the transportation and distribution of narcotics. Prison gangs are also an important link between drug-trafficking organizations (DTOs), street gangs and OMGs, often brokering the transfer of drugs from DTOs to gangs in many regions. Prison gangs typically are more powerful within state correctional facilities rather than within the federal penal system.
Aryan Brotherhood
The Arayan Brotherhood, also known as the AB, was originally ruled by consensus but is now a highly structured entity with two factions, one located within the California Department of Corrections (CDC) and the other within the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP). The majority of the members of the AB are Caucasian males, and the gang is primarily active in the Southwestern and Pacific regions of the U.S. The main source of income for the AB is derived from the distribution of cocaine, heroin, marijuana and methamphetamine within the prison systems as well as on the street. Some AB members have established business relationships with Mexican DTOs that smuggle illegal drugs into California for distribution by the AB. The AB is notoriously violent and is frequently involved in murder-for-hire. Although historically linked to the California based Hispanic prison gang the Mexican Mafia, tension between the AB and La Eme is becoming increasingly evident as demonstrated by recent fights between Caucasians and Hispanics within the CDC.
Barrio Azteca
The Barrio Azteca is one of the most violent prison gangs operating within the U.S. Barrio Azteca is a highly structured criminal entity and has an estimated membership of 2,000 persons. Most members of the Barrio Azteca are either Mexican nationals or Mexican-American males. Barrio Azteca is most active in the Southwestern region of the U.S., primarily in federal, state and local correctional facilities in Texas, as well as on the outside in communities located in Southwestern Texas and Southeastern New Mexico. Barrio Azteca’s main source of income is derived from the smuggling of heroin, powdered cocaine and marijuana from Mexico into the U.S. for distribution both inside and outside the prison systems. Members of the Barrio Azteca often transport illicit drugs across the U.S.-Mexico border on behalf of DTOs. Barrio Azteca members are also involved in crimes such as alien smuggling, arson, assault, auto theft, burglary, extortion, intimidation, kidnapping, robbery and weapons violations.
Black Guerrilla Family
The Black Guerrilla Family (BGF), originally called the Black Family or the Black Vanguard, is a prison gang founded in 1966 at the San Quentin State Prison in California. The BGF is highly organized along paramilitary lines with a supreme leader and a central committee. BGF has an established national charter, a code of ethics and an oath of allegiance. BGF members operate primarily in the states of California and Maryland. BGF has approximately 100 to 300 members, a majority of whom are African-American males. A primary source of income for the BGF is derived from the distribution of cocaine and marijuana. BGF members obtain drugs primarily from Nuestra Familia and Norteño members or from local Mexican drug-traffickers. BGF members are also involved in other criminal activities including auto theft, burglary, drive-by shooting and homicide.
Hermanos de Pistoleros Latinos
The Hermanos de Pistoleros Latinos (HPL) is a Hispanic prison gang formed in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) in the late 1980’s. HPL operates in most prisons and on the streets in many communities in Texas, particularly Laredo. HPL is also active in several cities in Mexico, and its largest contingent in that country is located in Nuevo Laredo. HPL is structured and estimated to have 1,000 members. HPL members maintain close ties with Mexican DTOs and are involved in the trafficking of large quantities of cocaine and marijuana from Mexico into the U.S. for distribution.
The Mexikanemi prison gang, also known as the Texas Mexican Mafia or Emi, was formed in the early 1980’s within the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ). The Mexikanemi is highly structured and is estimated to have 2,000 members, most of whom are Mexican nationals or Mexican-American males living in Texas at the time of their incarceration. Mexikanemi poses a significant drug-trafficking threat to communities in the Southwestern U.S., particularly in Texas. Mexikanemi gang members reportedly traffic multi-kilogram quantities of powdered cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine; multi-ton quantities of marijuana; and thousand-tablet quantities of ecstasy from Mexico into the U.S. for distribution both inside and outside prison. Mexikanemi gang members obtain narcotics from associates or members of the Jaime Herrera-Herrera, Osiel Cardenas-Guillen, and/or the Vicente Carrillo-Fuentes Mexican DTOs. In addition, Mexikanemi members maintain a relationship with Los Zetas, a Mexican paramilitary/criminal organization employed by the Cardenas-Guillen DTO as its personal security force.
Mexican Mafia
The Mexican Mafia prison gang, also known as La Eme (Spanish for the letter M), was formed in the late 1950’s within the California Department of Corrections (CDC). La Eme is a loosely structured criminal organization with strict rules that must be followed by the estimated 350 to 400 members. Most members of La Eme are comprised of Mexican-American males who previously belonged to a Southern California street gang. La Eme is primarily active in the Southwestern and Pacific regions of the U.S., however, its' power base remains in California. The Mexican Mafia’s main source of income is extorting drug distributors outside prison and distributing methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin and marijuana within the prison systems and on the outside streets. Some members of La Eme have direct links to Mexican DTOs and broker deals for both themselves and their associates. La Eme is also involved in other criminal activities including controlling gambling and prostitution within the prison systems.
Nazi Low Riders
The Nazi Low Riders (NLR) are a violent California based prison gang which subscribes to a white supremacist philosophy. The NLR's have approximately 800 to 1,000 members, most of whom are Caucasian males with a history of street gang activity and drug abuse. The NLR's operate in correctional facilities and communities, primarily in the Pacific and Southwestern regions of the U.S. The NLR's primary sources of income are derived from the distribution of multi-ounce to multi-pound quantities of methamphetamine, the retail-level distribution of heroin and marijuana, and the extortion of independent Caucasian drug dealers and members of other white power gangs. The NLR's also engage in violent criminal activity such as armed robbery, assault, assault with deadly weapons, murder and attempted murder; in addition, they commit identity fraud, money laundering, witness intimidation and witness retaliation.
Ñeta is a prison gang that began in Puerto Rico and spread to the U.S. Ñeta is one of the largest and most violent prison gangs, with approximately 7,000 members in Puerto Rico and about 5,000 members in the U.S. Ñeta chapters in Puerto Rico exist exclusively inside prisons; once members are released from prison they no longer are considered to be part of the gang. In the U.S., Ñeta chapters exist both inside and outside prisons in 36 cities and within 9 states, primarily in the Northeastern region. Ñeta’s main source of income is derived from the retail distribution of powdered and crack cocaine, heroin, marijuana and, to a lesser extent, LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), ecstasy, methamphetamine and PCP (phencyclidine). Ñeta members also commit crimes including assault, auto theft, burglary, drive-by shooting, extortion, home invasion, money laundering, robbery, weapons and explosives trafficking and witness intimidation.
Nuestra Familia
Nuestra Familia and its subordinate organization Norteños are highly structured and extremely violent prison gangs. Originating within the California penal system, Nuestra Familia has an estimated 250 members, while Norteños membership is estimated to be over 1,000 persons, consisting primarily of Mexican-American males who formerly belonged to street gangs in Central and Northern California. Nuestra Familia and Noreños are active primarily in state and federal prisons and in communities of the Pacific region of the U.S. The main sources of income for Nuestra Familia and Noreños are derived from distributing cocaine, heroin, marijuana and methamphetamine within prison systems as well as in outside communities and by extorting drug distributors on the streets. Nuestra Familia is also involved in other criminal activities including homicide and robbery.
Public Enemy Number One
Public Enemy Number One (PEN1) is the fastest-growing Caucasian prison gang in the U.S. with an estimated membership of between 400 to 500 persons. PEN1 operates in the prison systems and communities of California, and, to a lesser extent, in locations throughout the Northeastern, Pacific, Southwestern, Southeastern and West Central regions of the U.S. PEN1 members espouse a white supremacist philosophy and pose a criminal threat both inside and outside prison due to an alliance with the Arayan Brotherhood and the Nazi Low Riders. PEN1 members derive their income from distributing mid-level and retail-level quantities of methamphetamine. In addition, PEN1 members engage in violent criminal activities such as assault, attempted murder, homicide, auto theft, burglary, identity theft and property crimes.
Sureños and Norteños
As individual Hispanic street gang members enter the prison systems, they set aside their former rivalries with other Hispanic street gangs and unite under the name Sureños or Norteños. The original Mexican Mafia members, most of whom were from Southern California, considered Mexicans from the rural, agricultural areas of Northern California as weak and viewed them with contempt. To distinguish themselves from the agricultural workers or farmers from Northern California, members of the Mexican Mafia began to refer to the Hispanic gang members that worked for them as Sureños (Southerners). Inmates from Northern California became known as Norteños (Northerners) and are affiliated with the Nuestra Familia. Because of the size and strength, Fresno Bulldogs is the only Hispanic gang in the California Department of Corrections that does not fall under the Sureños or Norteños, but remains independent.
Sureños gang members’ main sources of income are derived from the retail-level distribution of cocaine, heroin, marijuana and methamphetamine both within the prison systems and in the community, as well as the extortion of drug distributors on the streets. Some members of the Sureños have direct links to DTOs and broker deals for the Mexican Mafia as well as their own gang. Sureños gang members are also involved in other criminal activities such as assault, carjacking, home invasion, homicide and robbery.
Norteños gang members’ main sources of income are derived from the retail-level distribution of cocaine, heroin, marijuana, methamphetamine and PCP (phencyclidine) both within the prison systems and in the community, as well as the extortion of drug distributors on the streets. Norteños gang members also are involved in other criminal activities such as assault, carjacking, home invasion, homicide and robbery.
Texas Syndicate
The Texas Syndicate (TS) is one of the largest and most violent prison gangs active on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border and poses a significant drug trafficking threat to communities located in the Southwestern United States. The TS is highly structured and is estimated to have 1,300 members, most of whom are Mexican-American males between the ages of 20-40. Members of the TS smuggle multi-kilogram quantities of powdered cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine, and multi-ton quantities of marijuana from Mexico into the U.S. for distribution both inside and outside of prison. TS gang members have a direct working relationship with associates and/or members of the Osiel Cardenas-Guillen Mexican DTO. In addition, TS gang members maintain a relationship with Los Zetas, the paramilitary/criminal organization employed by the Cadenas-Guillen DTO.
Four Horsemen, Tangos, and Tango Blast
Texas prison officials first noted the presence of a gang known as the Four Horseman in 1998. Some Hispanic gang members entering the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) from the cities of Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth and Houston were not interested in joining an established prison gang and established the Four Horseman to protect one another and to engage in illegal activities, particularly drug-trafficking, to make money. The Four Horseman became known as the Tangos, because its members wore tattoos that reflected the town (or tango) in which they resided prior to their incarceration. As interest in the Tangos grew among Hispanic gang members entering the TDCJ from other areas of Texas, only inmates from West Texas, the Rio Grande Valley, San Antonio and El Paso were allowed into the gang. Of the eight groups now recognized as Tangos, six are part of what is now known as Tango Blast or Puro Tango Blast. Tango Blast includes Tangos from the four original cities as well as the West Texas and Rio Grande Valley areas. Tango Blast differs from the Tangos in that separate Tango Blast members sometimes band together to help one another. The rapid growth of the Tango Blast poses a significant new security threat within the TDCJ and elements of the Tango Blast appear to be challenging the Texas Syndicate for control of illegal prison activities. Upon release from prison, Tango members appear to return to their local street gangs, rather than continue their prison-based gang affiliations.

Laguna Journal with Global reach and local knowledge serving Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Woods and all of south Orange County. The Laguna Journal is the oldest locally owned independent news gathering organization increasingly read throughout the area by people seeking ultimate truth and Wisdom through an alternative news source.
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Barrio Azteca -a gang//nations most dangerous gang
by Michael Webster: Investigative Reporter:
El Paso's Barrio Azteca gang are some of the most dangerous in the country even though, Javier
Sambrano, El Paso police spokesman, said "There have been some people arrested. They are associated or members of that MS-13 but we really haven't seen any activity". But according to other El Paso law enforcement there are gangs in El Paso including MS-13 members.
They also say there is evidence that a member of the Mara Salvatrucha gang also known as (MS-13) caught in El Paso recently was being harbored by the local Barrio Azteca and he was among a dozen members of the violent trans-national street gang stopped during law enforcement operations along the Texas-Mexico border, the Texas governor's office said recently. There appears to be at the very least an associate relationship between the to gangs and some cooperation in drug trafficking and other crimes along the border. El Paso's county attorney believes the city has a gang problem and it may only be getting worse.
County Attorney Rodriguez said there is one gang that is especially growing--the Barrio Azteca gang.
"Some people don't think it is as serious as L.A. or San Antonio or other parts in Texas, but believe me we have a gang problem here in El Paso," Rodriguez said.
Rodriguez said the Barrio Azteca gang activity is rising along the borderland, especially in the Segundo Barrio, the Northeast and the Lower Valley.
"They are very active they have over 2,000 members according to the El Paso police department," Rodriguez said.
Rodriguez believes the Azteca's are attracted to El Paso because of the accessibility to drugs from Mexico, and he said members tend to be active drug dealers.
Barrio Azteca
Barrio Azteca is currently the largest and most violent prison gang operating in the El Paso County area. The gang was formed by inmates in the Coffield Unit of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in 1986. The gang has a paramilitary structure and an established leadership hierarchy. The "captains" maintain control of the organization, directing its drug trafficking operations and other criminal activities.
Federal authorities point to the Mexican drug cartels who are ultimately responsible for border violence by having cemented ties to street and prison gangs like Barrio Azteca on the U.S. side. Azteca and other U.S. gangs retail drugs that they get from Mexican cartels and Mexican gangs. Mexican gangs run their own distribution networks in the United States, and they produce most of the methamphetamine used north of the border. They have even bypassed the Colombians several times to buy cocaine directly from producers in Bolivia, Peru and even Afghanistan. These same gangs often work as cartel surrogates or enforcers on the U.S. side of the border. Intelligence suggests Los Zetas They're known as "Los Zetas" have hired members of various gangs at different times including, El Paso gang Barrio Azteca, Mexican Mafia, Texas Syndicate, MS-13, and Hermanos Pistoleros Latinos to further their criminal endeavors. Dangerous Mexican Cartel Gangs
Still Investigators have said it is unlikely the MS-13 would get a foothold in the El Paso-Juarez region. There are already about 500 street gangs, party crews and other gangs in El Paso, according to city police.
It is uncommon for a member of the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) to be in El Paso according to local law enforcement officers. However Mexican authorities differ and say MS-13 has a known reputation for extreme violence including hacking victims with machetes (be-headings), controlling prisons and is a national security threat operating out of El Paso and Juarez borderplix area.
But the arrest follows a trend seen by border law enforcement of members of the Mara Salvatrucha, (MS-13), crossing the border to reach other U.S. cities. The governor's office said that members of MS-13, which has known cliques in Houston and Dallas, were also captured in Maverick, Webb and Hidalgo counties.
El Paso County sheriff's spokesman Deputy Eduardo Placencia said that a total of just 30 gang members have been arrested this year in warrant roundups, traffic stops and vehicle checks that were part of the low profile border security projects "Operation Linebacker" and "Operation Border Star".
Most of the gangsters arrested in El Paso County were of the Barrio Azteca and Folk gangs and not MS 13.
There is still another dangerous gang in the El Paso area called the Tangos. "Gang intel said they are not having any problems with Tangos, yet. They have confirmed however that several of them are currently inmates" at the El Paso County jail, Placencia said.
To help shield El Paso and other American border cities the DEA and the FBI have launched task force investigations they say targets the leaders of the major Mexican trafficking groups (drug cartels) that operate in Mexico and the U.S., and control the cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine on both sides of the border. This strategy is designed to dismantle the sophisticated leadership of these criminal groups by targeting their command and control functions and building cases on the surrogate members (gangs) and their U.S.-based infrastructure. The feds belief is anchored in their feeling that the only way to successfully attack any organized crime syndicate is to build strong cases on the leadership and their command and control functions. With the assistance of foreign governments like Mexico and Columbia, the long-term incarceration of the leadership will leave entire organizations in disarray.
This strategy combines the resources of the FBI, DEA, the Department of Justice (DOJ), the United States Attorney’s Office, the United States Customs Service (USCS), and a host of State and local counterparts.
According to the FBI the National Joint Task Force and field investigations, remains committed to working with local, state, national, and international partners to disrupt and dismantle violent gangs. Through this initiative they claim they have been able to harness the investigative, intelligence and operational functions of all of these members by coordinating joint investigations against these drug trafficking organizations.
Government agencies have begun to target the communication systems of the Colombian and Mexican cartels, as well as many gang members on both sides of the border. While building cases on these border groups, DEA will employ intelligence gained from its investigations in coordination with the United States Coast Guard, the U.S. Treasury Department, and DOD assets, to substantially step up the interdiction of smuggled drugs at geographic and transportation choke points along the U.S. Mexican border. The effectiveness of this strategy is only hampered by the difficulty of incarcerating the leadership of these trafficking empires who hide in foreign safe havens in Colombia and Mexico. But by continuing to target the leadership and the infrastructure of these groups, they think they we will steadily degrade their abilities to conduct their business in the United States.
The Feds indicate that organized criminal groups, whether they are headquartered in Cali or Sonora or the homegrown versions like Azteca and others are predators in our cities and communities, significantly effect the American way of life. The interests and concerns of these heinous criminals lie in the advancement of their criminal enterprises, and wealth that they can derive from plying their trade. They will resort to violence, intimidation, kidnapping, and murder to accomplish their goals.
Mexican Federal Police believe that the international traffickers have acted with impunity for many years and believe that they are beyond the reach of law enforcement. This arrogance extends into their enterprises in the United States also. As we have seen with the Tijuana-based Felix drug cartel and the Juarez-based Fuentes cartel these violent traffickers send assassins from Mexico into the El Paso and San Diego areas to exact their revenge on those who do not pay their drug debt or who cooperate with efforts to put an end to their reign of terror. Vicente Carrillo is currently at the same level as the Tijuana cartel run by the Felix Arrellano brothers and the Gulf cartel run by Juan García Abrego. Mexico City feds say there intel indicates that all have been spotted in the border cities of Juarez and Tijuana.
Sheriff's in the border counties from across Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California agree the brazen attacks on American law enforcement along our Southwest border and in our cities and towns must not be tolerated and more federal funding is a must and they need it right now. They say the U.S. Government is not doing enough to support U.S. law enforcement along our border. The drug war goes on and must continue to be met with coordinated investigative strategies that will ultimately lead to the demise of international organized crime and its destructive influence on our streets. Some of these same sheriff's claim the Iran war has diverted much of the money needed right here in our own country. They also say they are very uncomfortable with the open border and intel suggests that at least some of the Mexican gangs are cooperating with international terrorist organizations.
The U.S. and Mexican border cities has raged in gang-related killings since the beginning of the year exceeding previous record breaking years. The Mexican government has described the violence as revenge for President Felipe Calderón's year-old crackdown on organized crime that sent thousands of soldiers and federal police into violence-plagued Mexican cities bordering the United States.
Applying a multi-agency approach to attack these organized trafficking groups will continue to be the Federal task force's strongest asset in dismantling the organized criminal syndicates that control the drug trade in the U.S. They will continue working with foreign counterparts to target the upper echelon criminal leaders, as well as their surrogates who bring violence to our communities as they sell poison to our children.- 09-06-2008, 10:17 AM
Michael Webster Bio
Michael ( Mick) Webster Syndicated Investigative Reports are read worldwide, in 100 or more U.S. outlets and in at least 136 countries and territories. He publishes articles in association with global news agencies and media information services with more than 350 news affiliates in 136 countries.
He served as a trustee on trade Union funds. A noted Author, Lecturer, Educator, Emergency Manager, Counter-Terrorist, War on Drugs and War on Terrorist Specialist, Newspaper Publisher. Radio News caster. Labor Law generalist, Teamster Union Business Agent, General Organizer, Union Rank and File Member Grievances Representative, NLRB Union Representative, Union Contract Negotiator, Workers Compensation Appeals Board Hearing Representative. Mr. Webster represented management on that side of the table as the former Director of Federated of Nevada. Mr. Webster publishes on-line newspapers at www.lagunajournal.com and www.usborderfirereport.com and does investigative reports for print, electronic and on-line News Agencies. America's leading authority on Venture Capital/Equity Funding, Trustee on some of the nations largest trade Union funds. He is the author of Venture Capital, the Christian Covenant the RedRoad, the LemonFast. And the United States Civil Defense Emergency Training Manual. Mr. Webster has Collaborated on a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) course having over 300 plus pages with color text and full color power point presentation. (Survival Family Emergency Response & Preparedness Guide ).
Mr. Webster was the founder in the 1960’s and 70’s of “Paramedic’s On Call” and was one of the earliest providers of Emergency Paramedic services in the nation and become known as the Father of emergency care and transportation of the sick and injured. He was also directly responsible for Doctors to be on site in hospital emergency rooms throughout El Paso for the first time ever, when up until that time Doctors were not in the emergency rooms at the hospitals but were simple on call. He appears frequently on TV and can be heard on Radio nation wide and speaks at major financial/terrorism conferences worldwide. He has helped top executives, investors and entrepreneurs, find capital for start-up and expansion projects and shows clients how to maintain and preserve that capital. Mr. Webster advocated that the Indian Nations create and develop Indian Casinos, aimed at helping to improve the living conditions and the lives of American Indians on reservations, starting with the Mescalero Apache Inn of the Mountain Gods.
Mr. Webster instructs cities and counties home defense volunteers on FEMA'S Community Emergency Response Team course (CERT) and provides emergency planning for governments, private companies and corporations, world-wide. He also teaches experts how to follow the money trail of terrorist.
Mr. Webster has been called the Jack London of finance for his ability to cut through the icy myths and mysteries surrounding the venture capital and asset protection world and lead entrepreneurs successfully into the 21st century. Mr. Webster's experience spans over three decades and includes being on the board of several renown organizations, associations, and has had business dealings with such notable financiers, professionals and entrepreneurs as, billionaires Aristotle Onassis, Howard Hughes; J. Paul Getty; H.L. Hunt; Founder of Circle K Corporation Fred Hervey, President Lyndon B. Johnson U.S. Senator Lloyd Benson, U.S. Senator John G. Tower, U.S. Senator Ted Stevens, U.S. Senator Howard Cannon, Former Texas Governor John Connelly, Former Texas Governor Mark White, Former Governor of Alaska and U.S. Secretary of the Interior Wally Hickle, former Alaska governors William A. Egan, and Keith H. Miller, Lt. Gov of Alaska and former Mayor of Fairbanks H. A. Red Boucher, U.S. Congressman Richard White, U.S. Congressman Jim Santini, Alaska State Senate President, Brad Phillips; Alaska Attorney General, Edgar Paul Boyko, Texas State Representative Bill Clayton, attorney, Melvin Belli, attorney Oscar Goodman the Mayor of Las Vegas, attorney Albert C.S. Ramsey, attorney Joseph (Sib) Abraham, attorney Joseph Morgan, attorney Jerry Seiberling, attorney C. Thomas McDonald, former Texas State Senator: Tati Santiesteban, Judge Woodrow Wilson Bean Sr. and Judge Woodrow Bean Jr. Veteran Broadcaster David Brinkley, and Wendell Chino Chief of the Mescalero Apache Indians of New Mexico.
Labor union leaders: Harry Bridges, Jimmy Hoffa, and Alaska teamsters boss Jess Carr.
Mr. Webster is the original founder of WIB Financial Group, and over the years, has invited such notable investors and entrepreneurs as billionaires Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Richard Branson, and Donald Trump (to name a few).To participate in Mr. Webster's worldwide consortium of investors. Mr. Webster was formerly an official with the Teamsters Union in California, Texas and Alaska. Mr. Webster is a Venture Capitalist, Author, Journalist, Investigative Reporter, WCAB Hearing Representative, Counter Terrorist Specialist and Instructor, Emergency Management Specialist and Instructor, Emergency Medical Tec (EMT), Wildland Fire fighter and Instructor, Adventurer, Explorer, Holistic Nutritionist and Amateur Anthropologist. He has been described as an entrepreneur extraordinaire and a businessperson’s businessperson since the tender age of 6 when he sold Spud-Nuts door-to-door in the city of his birthplace, El Paso, Texas. He was born at William Beaumont Army Medical Center, the son of a US Army Officer. Both parents, Albert A. Webster (Father) and Leona Allene Webster (Mother), said Michael showed at a very early age an interest in commerce and became keenly involved in various businesses. He always seems to look out for the underdog, said his mother.
Mr. Webster supervised on site mitigation of life threatening emergencies including disasters and major relief efforts both here at home, and around the world. He is also active in church and civic organizations. He is the loving husband of Peggy Webster (the former Peggy Rae McDonald) and the proud father of Michael Vincent II, Heather Rae, Renee Marie, and Ronda Ruth Webster, and Vincent, Vance, and Riza Christy.
Mr. Webster’s most recent past field of endeavor was that of a Venture Capitalist. Funding start-up and expansion businesses globally, while retaining equity positions in many of them. Mr. Webster also provided his clients with bulletproof asset protection. He is now focused and dedicated to his main interest of journalism as an syndicated Investigative He will maintain his other interests in Business Consultant, Worker’s Compensation, Emergency Management, Preparedness and Anti-Terrorist activities. As well as teaching in those areas and disciplines.
Over the years he has consulted and negotiated on behalf of his clients through five different administrations. He publishes newspapers and magazines and has been a newscaster in the electronic media. As a hearing representative for California's Workers Compensation Appeals Board he represents lien claimants and has recovered millions of dollars for his clients. He still finds in his busy schedule time to develop and write investigative reports. He has served as administrative Assistant to the president of the Alaska State Senate. He was formerly Executive Director of the Alaska Independent Oil & Gas Association (A.I.O.G.A.) serving under the direction of its founder and Statesman Edgar Paul Boyko, the states former Attorney General.
Mr. Webster was instrumental in raising bonus capital for bidding on the Alaska Northslope Oil Leases in 1968, as director of A.I.O.G.A. A.I.O.G.A. was awarded Tracks 20 & 21 by then Commissioner of Natural Resources Thomas Kelly, as the apparent high bidders, only later to be rejected by the Commissioner. This lead to one of the largest behind the scenes legal battles ever to involve A.L.O.G.A., their lead attorneys, Edgar Paul Boyko (former Alaska State Attorney General), famous attorney Melvin Belli, and former Judge Clem Stevens who were pitted against the State of Alaska and many of the worlds biggest oil companies.
The Northslope Oil Leases ultimately lead to the development of one of the worlds richest oil fields with billions of barrels of recoverable crude oil and the construction of one of the largest man made construction projects of its time, the Alaska Oil Pipe Line over 800 miles long stretching from north to south from Prudhoe Bay at the north slope to the deep water port at Valdez, Alaska. In 1969, Alaska's oil lease sale pumped nine hundred million dollars into Alaska's economy as 179 tracts of potentially oil-rich North Slope lands were leased. Later that year, former State Attorney General Edgar Paul Boyko filed suit on behalf of A.I.O.G.A to stop the awarding of 33 of the 179 state oil-lease tracts.
Mr. Webster handled the security analysis for the pre pipeline design and the safety worker issues for the Alaska Teamsters union under the direction of Alaska Teamster Boss Jess Carr.
There are more fields being explored, bid on, and developed even today in the largest of all our states... Alaska. The Federal Government and the state of Alaska has put aside millions of acres of pristine wilderness to protect it from further development by giant oil, gas and mining companies. Mr. Webster represented many of the worlds independent oil, gas, and mining companies, along with some of the worlds high net worth individuals, always with an eye on conservation Mr. Webster says the legacy of environmental destruction left by major oil companies with their spills, leaks, explosions, and violations argues that they should not be allowed to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge unless there is a clear real need related to a national emergency.
Mr. Webster is a past or present Board Member of and/or represents over 500 companies, which distribute and market more than 10,000 products and services including health educational and training courses in Emergency Management worldwide.
Some affiliations past and present include:
•United States Civil Defense Assoc. Commission (National Life Appointment) •United States Civil Defense Chairman and National Commander four star General •United States Homeland Defense Association (Commander) Rank LT. General. •International Emergency Preparedness Centre (Co-Founder) •Past President of a local United States Civil Defense unit holding the rank of LTG. with the National Association. Commandant •Director of the Alaska Independent Oil & Gas Association. •Administrative Assistant to the President Of the Alaska State Senate. •Executive Director of the Federated Employers of Nevada •Life member- Oxford Club •Director- Medical Systems, Inc. Doctor On Call (DOC) •Director- Paramedics On Call •General Organizer/Business Agent- International Brotherhood of Teamsters- Alaska, California, and Texas. •World Trade Council •Member- Professional Financial Associates (Authorized PFA Registered Associate) •President of SOS International •Charter member-United States Defense Committee •Charter member-Central American Task Force •Member- American Civil Defense •Member- Trade Council •Member- Ambassadors Club •Member- International 20 30 Club •Member- American Red Cross •The Nature Conservancy •The National Trust for Historic Preservation •Cub Scout Master- Cub Scouts of America •Member- National Rifle Association (Award winning Recruiter) •Member- Woodmen of the World •Member- Anchorage, El Paso, Tucson, Laguna Beach, and South Orange County C of C •CEO and Chairman of the Board of Synergy 2000, LLC •President and Chairman of WIB Financial Group (Venture Capitalist) (Retired) •Chairman of the Board of Directors PrintAmerica (retired) •Corporate Service Center Affiliate •Workers Compensation Appeals Board State of California Hearing Representative •Sustaining Associate Member of "The California Applicants Attorneys Association" •Laguna Coast Fire Safe Council Red Flag Patrol •Personal Master Planning Program Founder •LemonFast Founder/formulator and co-author of the LemonFast book/CD. •StemTech- StemEnhance The Miracle of Adult Stem Cells www.stemcellmirale.info •Life Extensions Foundation member. The Life Extension Foundation is the largest world's nonprofit health organization dedicated to investigating every method of extending the healthy human life ... The ultimate source for new health and medical findings from around the world. •The Miracle of Krystal Salt. •Lifetime "Founder" of Natural Cures at NaturalCures.com •Member Victory Outreach International/United We Can. Over 500 Churches and Ministries throughout the World. www.victoryoutreach.org Michael Webster is the past or present Publisher of the following print and/or online publications: •Paso Del Norte News Magazine •The Fifth Estate News Magazine •The Global Journal Newspaper •The El Paso Journal Newspaper •The Laguna Journal Newspaper www.lagunajournal.com •The Cloudcraft Journal Newspaper •The Christian Global Journal •The Global Journal on Terrorism & Intelligence •El Paso TV Guide •Tucson TV Guide •This Alaska Magazine (General Manager) •The Anchorage TV Viewer (Sales Manager) •Personal Master Planning Program (publisher) •Publisher financial/business news letter "For Your Eyes Only".
Docent with Wildland Conservancy.
Michael Webster is a past or present trustee on the following Trust Funds: •Bricklayers Joint Trust Fund •Carpenters Health and Welfare Pension and Vacation Trust Funds •Floor Covering Joint Trust Fund And Apprenticeship Training Trust Fund •Glazing Health and Welfare and Pensions Trust Funds •Laborers Joint Trust Fund, and The Teamster Security Fund.
Mr. Webster has participated directly in disaster relief around the world sense 1965. •1965 - 1968 ‚ Wildland Firefighter State of Alaska •1968 - Alaska Kenai Forrest fire: BLM •1969 - Alaska Mcgrath Fire- Hilatack: BLM •1985 - Reno Nevada Aircraft Disaster: Private Crash Investigator •1985 - Dallas Texas Aircraft Disaster: Private Crash Investigator •1985 - Mexico City Earthquake: USCD •1985 - Gusman Mexico Earthquake: USCD •1985 - Costa Rica Mud Slide: USCD •1985 - Columbia South America Volcano and Mud Slide: USCD •1988 - Yellowstone National Park, Fire Storm: USCD •1998 - Hurricane Josephine Mexico: USCD •1998 - Hurricane Mitch, Central America: USCD •1999 - Columbia Earthquake: USCD •1999 - Albanian Refugee Crisis: USCD •2001 - New York Ground Zero WTC #2: USCD •2001 - Afghan refugee relief effort: USCD •2001 - Cuba Hurricane Michelle: USCD •2002 - Kenya / Rwanda Volcano: USHD •2003 - Iran Earthquake USCD •2004 - Pakistan Emergency Earthquake Relief USCD •2004 - Caribbean Hurricanes Ivan & Jeanne USCD •2004-2005 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Asia Tsunami.
USCD Professional Certifications
•Introduction to Emergency Management (FEMA)
•Emergency Program Manager (CSTI)
•Emergency Management USA (FEMA)
•Terrorism (CSTI)
•Emergency Response to Terrorism (NFA)
•Terrorism Awareness Public & Private (USCD)
•Terrorism search, rescue and recovery (USCD)
•Terrorism and natural disaster Planning for Local Governments (USCD)
•Emergency Management Aircraft Disaster (CSTI)
•Preparedness Planning for a Nuclear Crisis (CSTI)
•Exercise Design Course (CSTI)
•Enhanced Exercise Design (CSTI)
•Radiological Emergency Management (FEMA)
•Emergency Medical Tech (USCD)
•American Red Cross 1st Aid Instructor & CPR (USCD)
•Earthquake Preparedness (FEMA)
•Nuclear Crisis and Civil Defense (FEMA)
•Hazardous Materials Mitigation (USCD)
•City, County & State Emergency Planning (USCD)
•Community Emergency Response Team Instructor (CERT) (FEMA)
•Emergency Management Professional Series & Instructor (USCD/FEMA
•Advanced Emergency Management Professional Series & Instructor (USCD/FEMA)
•Wildland Fire Incident Commander: Instructor Company Basic & Officer Academy (USCD)
•Emergency Management of Terrorism (SMC)
•Authored CERT enhanced text book and Power point presentation Extra Credit (SMC)
•Building For The Earth Quakes of tomorrow complying with executive order #12699 (FEMA)
•The Role of Voluntary Agencies in Emergency Management (FEMA)
CONTACT: Michael Webster at: 301 Forest Ave., Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (949) 494-7121 •Numerous Certificate’s Of Attendance ( as a WCAB hearing Rep) MCLE
WIB FINANCIAL GROUP (WIB) Registered Associate Program
The WIB FINANCIAL GROUP (WIB) Registered Associate Program is a thoroughly professional, highly profitable, golden opportunity for anyone either currently in or desiring to enter the lucrative financial service industry. REGISTERED ASSOCIATE PROGRAM A COMPLETE TURNKEY BUSINESS, EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO MAKE MONEY * For $100 USD investment in WIB’S training manual provides a simple start up turn key financial business Complete with Venture Capital training manual. Titled VENTURE CAPITAL “Raising Business capital fore the 21 st Century. Learn to recognize your opportunities * Complete five days a week Associate Support * One Source For qualified submissions, all types of financing and Simplified applications * Wholesale products and services With WIB, their will never be a better time or a better opportunity to step up to a prestigious, high income, financial career. COMMON QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS What are some of the other financial and business products and services that I will be able to offer clients? WIB financial products and services includes start-up and expansion funding. Growth and protection of your clients assets, privacy, LLC & incorporation services in all 50 states, many offshore corporate jurisdictions, trusts, LLC’S, IPO’S, local USA & global business strategies from now and beyond, estate planning, revenue, and more. Q. Exactly what does a WIB Associate do? An Associate assists people who need funding, by helping them with feasibility studies, business plans, various important funding documents, and many other financial and business products and services. Then they forward the information to WIB when funded they earn a commission on all closings. Q. Why will clients come to me? The money business is a service business. With WIB to guide you, you will quickly learn how to provide clients with the same professional service that has helped us become an industry leader. Q. Can I really compete in this business even though I am just getting started? Absolutely! The rules regarding equity capital acquisition are continually being written. Borrowing money under loan agreements has been taking place for many years, but trading equity for financing is a much more recent idea...an idea whose time has come. Q. How much can I expect to make? Financial Associates are some of the highest paid people in the country. You can make as much as you are willing to work for. Q. Why is WIB’S Registered Associate Program so unique? WIB’S training, support, and profit picture are second to none. When you couple this with the fact that you will be able to obtain funding for your clients for new business start-ups, for existing business expansions, and much more, you have the firm foundation upon which you can build a secure financial future. WIB’S uniqueness is found in the variety of profit centers and the ability to satisfy a multitude of clients in a highly professional manner. Q. How do I get started? Getting started in this exciting new financial service and beginning to make big money is easy. Simply go to www.buybooksontheweb.com the total costs is just the $100 dollars the book will cost you. Everything you need to know about this business is in the manual (Venture Capital) Support for your new business is available to you personally 5 days a week Mondays thru Fridays. The manual provides comprehensive training and reference materials so you can begin developing new clients immediately. Q. Do you have any additional questions? Any questions you may have now, or in the future can be answered by Michael Webster personally or your assigned Sr..WIB Associate, who is dedicated to your success. WIB looks forward to assisting you in your future success. Don’t let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for financial freedom pass you by! WIB Associates earn on closing of deals 25% of what WIB receives. WIB SR. Associates earn on closing of deals up to 40% of what WIB receives. Those acting as freelance brokers receive up to 20% of the deal of what WIB receives. The Founders Statement: “I’m unaware of any other business of this type, whereby you can get started in a business of your own for such a small capital outlay of just $100 dollars. The cost of the manual only. Yes its that easy to become an WIB Associate and be independent and in business for yourself”. Michael Webster Chairman of the Board WIB FINANCIAL GROUP Since 1972 Notice: WIB and/or Michael Webster, nor any associates, agents, brokers, or representatives offer any legal or accounting advice. Insist your clients consult with their own legal and tax professionals.
Instructions: We invite you to contact us regarding your business funding needs.
Please fill out the form below, including a short (two pages or less) or concept paper or executive summary. Then check appropriate box [s], print this page, fill it out in black ink. and forward to WIB 301 Forest Ave, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 or e-mail it to mvwsr@aol.com 949 697-5676
Your Name ___________________________________________________
Company Name _______________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________
City_____________ State ____________ ZIP _____________
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Estimate of amount of Funds needed $ ___________________________
Please Check Appropriate Box
[ ] Business start up funding [ ] Business Expansion funding [ ] Business operating capital [ ] Micronomic start up funding [ ] Credit line [ ] Arranging Bank business loan
[ ] SBA Assistance [ ] Real Estate projects [ ] Mining projects [ ] Oil & Gas [ ]
Film projects.
This inquiry is submitted by [ ] Individual [ ] WIB broker [ ] WIB Associate
If WIB broker or WIB Associate submit complete name and address with cell number and e-mail.
Instructions: We invite you to contact us regarding your business funding needs.
Please fill out the form below, including a short (two pages or less) or concept paper or executive summary. Then check appropriate box [s], print this page, fill it out in black ink. and forward to WIB 301 Forest Ave, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 or e-mail it to mvwsr@aol.com 949 697-5676
Your Name ___________________________________________________
Company Name _______________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________
City_____________ State ____________ ZIP _____________
Country _____________________________________________________
Ph. ____________ Cell ____________ Fax ____________
E-mail _______________________________________________________
Estimate of amount of Funds needed $ ___________________________
Please Check Appropriate Box
[ ] Business start up funding [ ] Business Expansion funding [ ] Business operating capital [ ] Micronomic start up funding [ ] Credit line [ ] Arranging Bank business loan
[ ] SBA Assistance [ ] Real Estate projects [ ] Mining projects [ ] Oil & Gas [ ]
Film projects.
This inquiry is submitted by [ ] Individual [ ] WIB broker [ ] WIB Associate
If WIB broker or WIB Associate submit complete name and address with cell number and e-mail.
Sunday, December 9, 2018
ATTENTION - Private investors, high net worth individuals, Angels, and other interested investors
Would you or your organization like to be invited to participate in a revolutionary new concept as a WIB Financial Group (WIB) consortium member of private equity investors? Working independently with some of the world’s high net worth individuals and most influential capitalists.
· I’m encouraging you to join WIB’s exclusive consortium, today. Members up until now had to be worth millions and yes, even billions in order to be invited, much less accepted. And now for the first time ever, you can join and enjoy the profits that I believe were only available to the wealthy. And today, it won’t cost you a billion, or million, or one hundred thousand, or ten thousand. No, in fact you can join and become a member of WIB’s consortium of investors will cost you nothing. As an investor, Here’s how you’ll benefit immediately when you join. You’ll become privy to specific ground floor opportunities in a very wide range of fields. These are venture capital and early stage investments that are not listed on any regulated stock exchange. It brings potentially high-profit ventures to your attention while the deals are still in the very early stages. And most importantly, while the big money is still on the table. These are the deals as investor, you would normally never see until they were listed for IPOs. And by then the potential would be greatly diminished and you would be competing with the big trillion dollar stock market firms.
WIB provides this information to you first formatted as a concept paper or executive summery, and should you have further interest you can then receive the full blown business plan and even meet with the principles and have them give their strategic opportunity through a live presentation. This is absolutely a uniquely formatted investment opportunity.
· You retain full control of your investments. Unlike an ordinary venture capital partnership or mutual fund, you can participate in as many – or as few – of these opportunities as you wish. You never have an obligation to invest. Your money will not be committed in a project unless you’re personally willing to pull the trigger.
· The Internet bubble has popped, the recession is slowly recovering for most of the so called rich…and soon the real down to earth money will be made. And not just from high tech, but also from the so-called old business, which includes all business across the board. It’s possible to turn $10.000 into $50.000 and $50.000 into $500.000 and $500.000 into $50,000,000. To the best of my knowledge the kind of information I’m talking about is not otherwise readily available from any other source at any price. WIB sorts through all the deals for you, and there are lots of them, to spot those with the greatest potential upside. They do the diligent investigation and research. Then you make the decision about where you’ll commit your funds. You’ll have WIB’s full commitment to do whatever possible to protect your investment, because their money, time and effort is right in there along with yours. If selected, you’ll be a member of a prestigious and elite group that is exclusive, by invitation only, and restricted to a limited few. With their investment knowledge and expertise, WIB consortium investors are developing new and exciting businesses and ways to help small and medium sized entrepreneurs obtain funding for worthy ventures.
· I truly believe now is the time to take advantage of this invitation. In fact I think you’ll agree that we live in remarkable times with remarkable opportunities to take advantage of the “creative destruction” and disequilibrium associated with blossoming new technologies. As you know, you can generate far greater wealth from successful early stage private investment than from waiting to buy the same companies in the public markets.
· Members are qualified active individual investors, or angels, with extensive experience in building and financing companies from start-up to IPO and other exit strategies. In addition to being accredited investors according to SEC rules, prospective members must have a track record of building successful companies. They should be experienced in making angel deals with all due diligence, structuring investments, and coaching entrepreneurs and be approved by the WIB Board.
· Members are provided with some of the most promising projects for their evaluation, comments and any capital participation they may be interested in. They get first look and can make offers. Most investment opportunities considered, flow from other members who are active in “deal flow”, or other investors and entrepreneurs. Contact WIB by E-mail at: mvwsr@aol.com or mail a short one-page general information about yourself and/or your company for membership
WIB Financial Group
WIB is a unique bank in the Dutch Caribbean offering a variety of banking products, services and 24 hour ATMs. Bank anytime , anywhere with our Online ...

Entrepreneurs across American and around the world battle daily for start-up and/or expansion capital. Many are ignoring, or unaware of, vast untapped sources for capital. Written by America's leading authority on venture capital and equity funding. Venture Capital: Raising Business Capital for the 21st Century is the definitive guide for finding capital for yourself or as a WIB associate/broker for your clients. This cutting-edge work should be read by top executives: from the world's largest corporations to small business entrepreneurs. In addition to the "What" and the "Why" of business money needs, he also provides the "How".
Mr. Webster's book Venture Capital is not only for anyone who is seeking capital for business, but this book is also a training manual for anyone who wants to start his or her own business. It's a real turnkey business opportunity providing start-up or expansion capital for others anywhere in the world. It can be financially rewarding. I know of no other or better way or less expensive way to start your own business. This book will give you a track to follow and run on and you determine how far. The sky is truly the only limit. The only cost is your hard work and the price of this book.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. For your review. All rights reserved.
Venture Capital: How to Raise Business Capital For The 21st Century
How to raise capital for you or your clients.Why read this book? Michael Webster is one of the few people in the world that has the global experience to clearly explain all aspects of finance. His depth of finance knowledge as it applies to the systems within the United States and all countries around the world is absolutely astounding. His business ownership experience in numerous global markets, his many years representing the US government abroad, his expertise representing both labor and management, and his venture capitalist profession gives Michael Webster the unique ability to assist anyone with small, medium or large scale finance needs. The uniqueness this book provides the reader has two perspectives; how the global economy works and how you can profit from it!
Why select this book? It takes specialized finance today to obtain the maximum benefit for your company and personal goals. This book allows those with a desire to learn from the author's 35+ years of finance experience, expertise, and accomplishments, the ability to plan their own substantial success by working closely with the WIB Financial Group.
Why reference this book? The magnitude of knowledge and the way the information is logically laid out makes it very easy for the reader to explore and master: venture capital, equity funding, limited liability companies, off-shore corporations, off-shore banking, trusts, asset protection, international bank ownership, small business loan assistance, proposal profiles, feasibility studies, business plans, tax reduction, public shells, blind pools, leases, advertising, global economy, international law, negotiations, and much more.
Why train with this book? It is an information manual, training manual, textbook, and a finance-planning book for today's quickly changing global marketplace. Mr. Webster has many training courses for which this book is used as the model for beginners as well as advanced finance professionals. The goal of this book is for you or your company to benefit by taking advantage of each carefully thought out section so that you can adapt to the business climate, no matter what challenges are before you.
Why recommend this book? It is brilliantly conceived and written so that your recommended client or friend's wealth can increase substantially too. Mastering the principles with a friend or partner enhances the learning process; ****working with WIB Financial accelerates the finance learning process at (mach) speed.
Enjoy the journey to financial wealth with WIB Financial!
Michael N. Guttentag Business Owner & Successful Entrepreneur (Trained by WIB Financial)
WIB Financial Group
301 Forest Ave
Laguna Beach California 92651
949 697-5676
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